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Affiliate Member Benefits


If you’re a restaurant technology consultant or academic, we’d love to have you as a valuable member of the RTN community. A few key benefits of membership:

  • Consultant Directory Listing
  • VIP Access to RTN Technical Resources
  • Unique Collaboration & Access to Top Restaurant Technology Talent
  • Exclusive Access to Restaurant Peers via Slack & Restaurants-Only Groups
  • RTN Access & Perks at Events  (MURTEC, MURTEC Executive Summit)

Consultant Eligibility: Consultants and Affiliates are available to individuals, and independent consultants. Consultants are defined as those who provide professional advice, charge a fee for time and expertise, but do not sell products or other services. This Membership is limited to members with less than $5M in annual gross revenue from such activities. Consultant Memberships are also available to other individuals or entities who operate under a similar professional model, at the sole discretion of RTN. Consultants are required to sign a statement of eligibility, and RTN will review such Memberships annually. RTN reserves the right to deny Consultant Memberships to any individual or entity, and to revoke without refund, if the individual holding the Membership ceases to qualify. 

If this doesn't sound like you, click here to learn more about an RTN Supplier Membership.

Not sure if you’re a member or not? Don’t worry. If your company is already a member, we’ll recognize your email & help you get started. Not a member yet? We’ll help you learn more!

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