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Brian Wayne Hero

RTN Member Spotlight: Brian Wayne

What unique problem does your company solve for restaurants?

Since restaurants come in all sizes and segments, each one brings its own unique challenges. The ConnectSmart platform is able to turn any restaurant, no matter the size, into a smart, successful operation. Our data-driven platform includes kitchen automation, guest management, off-premise technology, and predictive analytics with robust integrations.

For example, an integration with ConnectSmart Kitchen and over 70+ point-of-sale partners, will allow for easy updates and the ability to mark orders as released, arrived, fast-track, and canceled, without setting foot in the kitchen. Another solve through our ConnectSmart Kitchen would be its dynamic capacity management, which blends walk-in and carryout traffic without one stream disrupting the other, all based on real-time kitchen efficiency.

Why did your company join RTN? 

Being a part of this collaborative and innovative community allows us to connect with not only with our partners, but also with other innovators within the space. Working together helps everyone understand the needs faster which translates into expedited, useful solutions for the future.

What's your favorite personal past-time?

I'm a big baseball fan and have visited most of the Major League Baseball parks. I also enjoy spending summer nights at Louisville Bats games with my family.

What three words would you use to describe what's happening in the restaurant industry right now?

Restaurant Technology Adoption.

What’s your most-used restaurant app?

On a busy night with hungry children our family’s go to is the Olive Garden App + Join Waitlist for the win!

Restaurateur you most admire and why?

Jose Andres with ThinkFoodGroup, for both his culinary work and his endless humanitarian efforts.

What technology are you most excited about for the future of restaurants?

The future of restaurant technology is limitless. With so many innovations happening at an expedited pace, it’s difficult to choose just one. But robotics has piqued my interest for sure – so I’m following that space closely. But in the end, any tech that proves to provide purposeful, frictionless next-gen technology, that will bring value to the guest, staff, and operators – will always be on my radar.

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