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Workgroup Documentation & Recordings

  • Learn More About RTN's 6th Standard: Transactional Data Standards

    Join us to discover how RTN’s Transactional Data Standard can help restaurants remain agile in the face of a variety of data events, including: Ordering, Time Card, Reservations, Refunds, POS Drawer, Labor (new!), and Scheduling (new!)
    TDS Teaser
  • Optimizing Next-Gen Off-Prem

    Take-out became table stakes during the pandemic, and it's still taking off, with no sign of slowing. In fact, it's become increasingly critical for restaurants to get it right - restaurants must find the best way to get orders from inside the four walls into consumer hands. Join as we explore the ways take-out tech has taken off!
    Next Gen Off Prem teaser
  • Phase 2 - Data Events focused on Labor & Scheduling

    Restaurant data events, whether financial, marketing, or operational, make up the basis for a modern, data-driven company, but many restaurants do not have access or simply cannot ingest data events to make meaningful decisions. This workgroup will create processes and technical requirements to simplify data events, to help restaurants aggregate, analyze, and act on valuable data events in real-time. 
    Phase 2 Banner
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